I'm interested in theology, philosophy, history, life, and wives. If you remain here long enough, you'll probably hear something about each of these things.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has begun offering over 1500 of its courses online for free! Through what they call the OpenCourseWare (OCW), you may access courses from every discipline, ranging from introductory freshman classes to graduate courses. This is really astounding, as it offers MIT-quality education to anyone with an Internet-equipped computer. I myself will be checking out some of their many offered courses in Language, History, and Philosophy. Oh, do check it out!

MIT OpenCourseWare

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turtle believes his Bible, loves His God, and is being divinely conformed unto the image of God's Son, though if one were to think in terms of Romans 9, turtle would confess that he is a very stubborn and brittle piece of clay. thankfully, the Potter works omnipotently for turtle's good and shows him mercy and grace every day.
